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Ok, we’ve all done it before. Talking to our car like it is a real person even though they obviously never respond. Or do they? Your car is a working machine that can have aches and pains. Just like we’ve mentioned in our articles like car smells or vibrating vehicles , sometimes your car is hurt and is trying to tell you something. The same goes with a noisy car. If your car makes any of these noises, then something is wrong!
Let’s dive in.
We have written a bunch of articles in regards to strange things your car does , warning you it needs to be fixed. One thing we haven’t address yet? A noisy car. Your car should not be noisy (unless you’ve installed an obnoxious muffler). That is why we’ve partnered with Ira Toyota Of Manchester to help explain to you what each car noise means.
Here is what they have to say!
Screech! Rattle! Bang!
Cars pip up when something’s not quite right. Luckily, a little auto knowledge and careful listening can help you reveal just what’s happening under the hood. Anytime your car is making a strange sound, we strongly encourage you to get it looked at. Your personal safety is very important, so always be sure to figure out what the noise could be! Check out this graphic (listed below) from Ira Toyota of Manchester to troubleshoot what some of these sounds may indicate.
A constant chirping sound is evidence of a worn or slipping drive belt. If this belt snaps, it could take power to the alternator, water pump or power steering with it. To confirm that the drive belt is causing the chirping sound, remove the belt and spin the tensioner wheel by hand. If you hear the same chirping noise, then the belt must be replaced.
A ticking or clicking noise coming from your engine points to a low oil level. Be sure to check the oil immediately and refill if low. If critically low, look for signs of a leak and take your car in for service as soon as possible.
An exaggerated bang points to an engine backfire caused by an imbalance fuel-air mix. The fuel-air mix is one of the main key components found on many modern engines. Fixing this issue may require replacing or repairing a spark plug, intake valve or valve timing.
Tiny metal indicator pieces often are embedded in the core of brake pads. Screeching indicates the pads’ minimum thickness has been reached, and they need to be replaced. It is important to know that you can still drive on screeching breaks because they will stop the same as quiet ones, but we would recommend getting it check out as soon as possible.
If your car starts a noisy tremble, part of its exhaust system underneath may be loose. A car’s exhaust system is responsible for getting rid of dangerous fumes, so it’s crucial to have rattling inspected by a service technician pronto.
Take it for service as soon as you notice a sound that doesn’t belong. If a sound continues to get louder, then the problem is becoming more severe. We also encourage you to keep up-to-date on maintenance visits with your local service center to ensure that all aspects of your car are functioning correctly!
Your car should ride smooth and quiet. So, if any of these noises occur, make sure you know which is which and take it in to be inspected. A noisy car is trying to tell you something; you better listen!
For more information on noisy cars and the Ira Toyota Manchester dealership, visit their website here .
The post Noisy Car…What Is Your Vehicle Trying To Say? appeared first on ChicMoto.
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